Final Approach With Chris Gregory

Final Approach With Chris Gregory

Chris Gregory CJF, ASF, FWCF

Welcome to Final Approach with Chris Gregory. I am a philomath, who is somebody who loves learn things. One of the things that I've learned is that everyone has a tale to tell and a lesson to teach. From pilots to farriers, to musicians, to authors, and creators. I'm going to explore my interests while introducing you to some amazing people. Pre-flight is complete and we have clearance, so let's kick the tires and start the fires.

Categorias: Finanzas

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One of you listening right now needs to hear this podcast. It was a god thing. The plane had a mechanical problem in Dumas, Texas, so Kelly and I got it fixed and then flew within sight of our destination, Las Vegas, New Mexico.  Right before we got there, we were tossed around in the air like we were on a stormy sea, so we had to turn back and go back to Dumas. 

Then the weather in West Texas did something it never does, rain moved in and a fog that would rival any that San Francisco has ever seen.  It was incredible all the things that came together to get me to meet Don Willingham and bring you this story.  Within minutes of meeting Don, I knew I had to get him to sit down with me for this visit. From a preacher's kid, to disc jockey, to musician, to pilot, to preacher, to AT&T technician, to author and multiple plane owner Don has seen a lot of this world and knows how to spin a tail. I wish I had more time to get the half dozen episodes that he deserves, so let me know if you want more from this gifted and colorful storyteller, and I will go wheels up back to Texas and bring it to you.  

We are cleared for takeoff.

See Don's book here:

For more information about Chris Gregory CJF ASF FWCF:

Episodios anteriores

  • 67 - Don Willingham 
    Mon, 16 Sep 2024
  • 66 - For The Want Of A Shoe The Horse Was Lost  - Chapter 31 My Personal Tipping Point 
    Wed, 11 Sep 2024 - 0h
  • 65 - Jonathan Nunn FWCF 
    Mon, 02 Sep 2024 - 0h
  • 64 - For The Want Of A Shoe The Horse Was Lost  - Chapter 30 RAT Raid 
    Wed, 28 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 63 - Mark Lyon 
    Mon, 19 Aug 2024 - 0h
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