His Heartbeat with Sue Corl

His Heartbeat with Sue Corl

Crown of Beauty International

Have you ever wanted a safe space to be understood and get wise, empathetic Jesus-centered counsel? His Heartbeat podcast with host Sue Corl and her guests is that space and a friend for you! Sue has years of experience as a mentor and missionary to women in the U.S. and around the world. Her greatest joy is helping women to experience renewed hearts through their relationship with God. As Founder and Executive Director of Crown of Beauty International, Sue has seen women's lives transformed as they experience the love of the Lord. So come weekly and have a cup of coffee or tea with Sue and be encouraged through friendship, godly counsel, and the truth of God’s Word!

Escuchar el último episodio:

As Christians, we've been taught to share the gospel generously and exuberantly--but how do we share the gospel in a way that others can be receptive to? Our guest, Karen Bejjani, co-founder of iHope Ministries alongside her husband, shares with us the FIVE essentials to remember when sharing Christ with an unbeliever:1. As followers of Jesus, we love everyone: in words, actions and deeds.2. You are looking for God might be wooing to Himself (looking for a person of peace). 3. Initiate ...

Episodios anteriores

  • 159 - #158 Sharing With People of Different Faiths 
    Thu, 12 Sep 2024
  • 158 - #157 God's Heartbeat of Love 
    Thu, 05 Sep 2024
  • 157 - #156 Freedom from Sexual Addiction 
    Thu, 29 Aug 2024
  • 156 - #155 Uniting Christian Singles 
    Thu, 22 Aug 2024
  • 155 - #154 Preventing Burnout 
    Thu, 15 Aug 2024
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