Podcast 13

Podcast 13

Miranda Butler and Jillian Nusbaum

A smart & scholarly Warehouse 13 podcast hosted by two women who catalog the artifacts!

Categorias: Cine y TV

Escuchar el último episodio:

We're back for Claudia's first mission as an apprentice, and our first episode of 2022!!! Join us and this week's expert, Dr. Dayanna Knight -- archaeologist and creator of the Viking Coloring Book Project -- to discuss episode 207, "For the Team." To learn more about Dayanna's work, visit dayannaknight.com.

Episodios anteriores

  • 38 - Episode 207 - For the Team 
    Tue, 22 Feb 2022
  • 37 - Bonus! Recap: Bering & Wells Reunion @ ClexaCon 
    Sat, 17 Apr 2021 - 0h
  • 36 - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Jaime and Joanne Reunion Panel! 
    Mon, 12 Apr 2021 - 0h
  • 35 - Episode 206A - "Around the Bend" - Part 1 
    Wed, 30 Dec 2020
  • 34 - Episode 205 - "13.1" 
    Sat, 12 Dec 2020
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